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 Discussion about Tun Dr Mahathir blog's content

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Registration date : 2008-05-30

Discussion about Tun Dr Mahathir blog's content Empty
PostSubject: Discussion about Tun Dr Mahathir blog's content   Discussion about Tun Dr Mahathir blog's content EmptyTue Jun 03, 2008 10:13 pm

As the title had stated,I started this thread is to discuss what Tun Dr Mahathir had said in his blog.
I will choose one of his posts there and have a discussion.
Now,I will choose his "The Racist Card" post.
Quote :
Saturday, May 31, 2008
The Racist Card


It is strange that whenever people like Param Cumaraswamy accuse others of being racist they end up by exposing the racist in them. For them you are racist only if you talk about Malays and their need to catch up with other races. If you talk of the imagined plight of other races in Malaysia, and make ridiculous statements that the Tamil Indians in Malaysia are facing “ethnic cleansing” when you know that no such thing is happening, it is not racist.

It is only in Malaysia that people of immigrant origins, so identified by their insistence on being linked race-wise with their countries of origin, are actually accepted as citizens.

In other countries including the much-admired democracies of the West, citizens are not linked to or classified by their countries of origin. They speak the national language habitually, go to schools where the national language is the medium of instruction and adopt the culture of the indigenous people, or at least the people who originally founded these countries (the indigenous people having been systematically wiped out).

But in Malaysia although the national language is the language of the indigenous people, many Malaysian citizens cannot speak the language, much less use it habitually in their homes and with fellow citizens. Whenever some foreigner speak Bahasa Malaysia to them, they would reply in English. Foreigners cannot understand why they seem to downgrade their national language. And yet these citizens question why there is, for practical purpose, no Bangsa Malaysia.

Schools using languages of the countries of origin are not only permitted but are actually financed by the Government. Try and find such schools in South East Asia or in the so-called liberal developed countries where they claim there is no racial discrimination. There are actually more Indians in the United Kingdom than in Malaysia. But there is not a single school where the teaching medium is in any of the Indian languages.

People like Param would not notice all these. Instead he sees the effort to bring up the indigenous people to the level of the non-indigenous people as racist. Arrogantly he seems to want the indigenous people become the deprived in their own country.

I admit that I spoke on “Ketuanan Melayu” in Johor. The Malay intellectuals have been talking about this for a long time. There was no suggestion about them being racist or that they should be detained under the Internal Security Act (ISA).

I spoke on this issue critically as I consider that claiming to be masters when you are not is ridiculous. How can the Malay driver driving a car belonging to someone else regard himself as the “Tuan” and the owner of the car as inferior to him? Actually it is the owner and his employer who is the “Tuan”.

In my speech my advise to the Malays is to acquire knowledge and skills and use them to enrich themselves for only then can they be regarded by their servants and employees as “Tuan”.

Is this seditious or near seditious? Is speaking about Malays and their needs seditious?

On the other hand let us consider the Hindraf memorandum to the British. Most people including Indians have not read it. To gain the support of the Tamil Indians, Hindraf demands that the British compensate every Tamil Indian in Malaysia one million pounds sterling (about RM 7 million). That should tempt even middle-class Indians. Surely Indian workers would fall for it.

The Hindraf memorandum also contains the following extracts which are obviously racist;
1) “Commonwealth ethnic Indian peace loving subjects in Malaysia persecuted by Government backed Islamic extremist violent armed terrorist who launched a pre-dawn violent armed attack and destroyed the Kg Jawa Mariamman Hindu temple at 4.00am this morning (15.11.07)”.

2) “Appeal for United Kingdom to move emergency United Nations Resolution condemning “Ethnic Cleansing” in Malaysia”.

I will not quote other highly inflammatory remarks found in the Hindraf memorandum. However I would like to mention the threat made by Hindraf in its conclusion;

“We fear that the peace loving Indian community of Tamil origin having been pushed to the corner and the persecution getting worse by the day may be forced into terrorism in a matter of time as what has happened to the Sri Lankan Tamils”.

Is Hindraf planning to make Malaysia a Southeast Asian Sri Lanka?

I don’t believe the majority of the Tamils in Malaysia would agree with the picture painted by Hindraf. Unfortunately, like the Malays, few of them read the actual memorandum. And so they support Hindraf blindly.

But if you read what I have quoted would you not conclude that Hindraf and Param Cumaraswamy, who objected to their detention under the ISA as racist especially as his desire to have me detained under the Act for telling the Malays to realise that they are not “Tuan” when they have to clean the shoes of others. If they want to be “Tuan”, then they must acquire the skills and knowledge to succeed in life. And when they succeed they would be highly regarded whether they are called “Tuan” or not.

It seems that according to Param Cumaraswamy talking about Malays is seditious.

Who is racist; Param Cumaraswamy or Dr Mahathir?

I am not going to call for his detention.

He should as a lawyer who understands the law, decide whether he is a racist and should be detained or not.



Perkauman Sebagai Modal

Adalah agak menghairankan apabila orang seperti Param Cumaraswamy menuduh orang lain bersifat perkauman kata-kata mereka mendedahkan sifat perkauman mereka sendiri. Bagi mereka, seseorang itu “racist” (bersifat perkauman) cuma apabila bercakap mengenai bangsa Melayu dan keperluan mereka untuk berusaha mengejar pencapaian bangsa lain.

Tetapi, jika mereka bercakap mengenai masalah kaum lain yang tidak berasas dan tidak benar seperti membuat kenyataan karut bahawa kaum India Tamil di Malaysia menghadapi “penghapusan etnik” yang masyarakat tahu ianya tidak terjadi, ini tidak dianggap bersifat perkauman.

Cuma di Malaysia sahaja orang daripada kaum pendatang, atas kehendak mereka sendiri dikenali dan dikaitkan dengan negara asal mereka, telah diterima sebagai warga negara.

Di negara-negara lain, termasuklah di negara Barat yang demokrasi mereka begitu dikagumi, warga negaranya tidak dikaitkan mahupun diklasifikasikan mengikut negara asal mereka. Mereka juga selalu menggunakan bahasa kebangsaan, negara berkenaan, bersekolah dimana bahasa kebangsaan menjadi bahasa pengantar dan menerima adat resam bangsa pribumi ataupun bangsa yang mula-mula menubuhkan negara itu (apabila bangsa pribumi telah dihapuskan secara terancang).

Tetapi di Malaysia walaupun bahasa kebangsaan adalah bahasa pribumi, ramai rakyat Malaysia yang tidak boleh bertutur bahasa tersebut, malahan secara lazimnya tidak menggunakan bahasa itu di rumah mahupun dengan rakyat Malaysia yang lain. Apabila orang asing bercakap dalam Bahasa Malaysia mereka akan menjawab dalam Bahasa Inggeris. Orang asing tidak mengerti mengapa mereka kelihatan merendah-rendahkan bahasa kebangsaan mereka sendiri. Di dalam masa yang sama mereka ini menyoal mengapa tiada Bangsa Malaysia.

Sekolah-sekolah yang menggunakan bahasa negara asal mereka bukan sahaja dibenarkan malahan dibiayai oleh Kerajaan. Cuba cari sekolah sebegini di Asia Tenggara ataupun di negara-negara maju yang dianggap liberal dan didakwa tidak berlaku diskriminasi kaum. Sebenarnya terdapat lebih ramai orang keturunan India di United Kingdom daripada di Malaysia. Tetapi tidak ada sebuah sekolah pun yang mengguna bahasa-bahasa India sebagai bahasa pengantar di United Kingdom.

Orang seperti Param tidak akan nampak semua ini. Sebaliknya dia melihat sebarang usaha untuk meningkatkan keupayaan rakyat pribumi supaya setanding dengan rakyat bukan pribumi sebagai bersifat perkauman. Dengan bongkak dia seolah-olah mahu melihat rakyat pribumi semuanya mengemis didalam negara mereka sendiri.

Saya mengaku saya bercakap mengenai Ketuanan Melayu semasa di Johor. Sebelum itu, cendekiawan-cendekiawan Melayu telah begitu lama bercakap mengenainya. Tidak pernah ada pandangan bahawa mereka itu bersifat perkauman ataupun ada cadangan supaya mereka ditahan dibawah Akta Dalam Negeri (ISA – Internal Security Act).

Saya bercakap mengenai isu itu secara kritis kerana saya menganggap mendakwa diri kita sebagai tuan bila kita bukan tuan adalah aneh. Bagaimanakah boleh seorang pemandu Melayu yang memandu kereta kepunyaan orang lain menganggap dirinya “Tuan” dan pemilik kereta itu berkedudukan lebih rendah daripada dirinya? “Tuan” yang sebenarnya adalah pemilik kereta dan orang yang membayar gajinya.

Di dalam ucapan saya, saya menasihatkan orang Melayu supaya menimba ilmu dan kemahiran supaya boleh digunakan untuk mencari kekayaan bagi diri mereka kerana cuma dengan cara demikian sahaja mereka akan dianggap “Tuan” oleh orang suruhan dan pekerja mereka.

Adakah ini hasutan ataupun menghasut? Adakah membicarakan mengenai bangsa Melayu dan kepentingan mereka menjadi satu hasutan?

Sebaliknya, cuba kita teliti memorandum Hindraf kepada pihak British. Ramai termasuk kaum India tidak membacanya. Untuk mendapatkan sokongan kaum India Tamil, Hindraf mendesak pihak British supaya membayar gantirugi 1 juta pound sterling (lebih kurang RM 7 juta) kepada setiap orang kaum India Tamil yang terdapat di Malaysia. Ini sudah pasti berupaya mempengaruhi bukan sahaja mereka yang berpendapatan rendah tetapi juga golongan pertengahan dari keturunan Tamil India. Sudah pasti golongan pekerja kaum India terpengaruh.

Terdapat juga didalam memorandum Hindraf sedutan-sedutan seperti berikut yang jelas bersifat perkauman:

1) “Kaum India Komanwel yang merupakan rakyat yang mencintai keamanan di Malaysia ditindas oleh Kerajaan yang didokong oleh pengganas bersenjata kelompok ekstremis Islam telah dengan ganasnya melancarkan satu serangan bersenjata sebelum subuh dan memusnahkan Tokong Hindu Mariamman di Kampung Jawa pada pukul 4 pagi ini (15.11.07)”.

2) “Memohon kepada United Kingdom untuk membentangkan satu resolusi tergempar Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu mengutuk “Penghapusan Etnik” di Malaysia”.

Saya tidak mahu menambah lagi lain-lain kenyataan yang begitu mengapi-ngapikan perasaan perkauman yang terdapat didalam memorandum Hindraf tersebut.

Walau bagaimanapun, saya ingin menyebut mengenai ugutan yang dibuat oleh Hindraf didalam kesimpulannya;

“Kami risau kaum India berketurunan Tamil yang cintakan keamanan setelah dipinggirkan dan ditindas, semakin hari semakin teruk, akan pada satu ketika, secara terpaksa mengambil langkah keganasan sebagaimana yang terjadi kepada kaum Tamil di Sri Lanka.”

Adakah Hindraf bercadang menjadikan Malaysia sebagai Sri Lanka di Asia Tenggara?
Saya tidak percaya majoriti orang Tamil di Malaysia bersetuju dengan gambaran yang dibuat oleh Hindraf. Malangnya, seperti orang Melayu, cuma beberapa orang sahaja yang membaca memorandum yang sebenarnya. Jadi mereka menyokong Hindraf secara membuta-tuli.

Tetapi jika anda membaca apa yang telah saya nyatakan tidakkah anda akan membuat satu kesimpulan bahawa Hindraf dan Param Cumaraswamy, yang membantah penahanan mereka dibawah ISA bersifat perkauman, terutama di atas kehendaknya supaya saya ditahan dibawah Akta itu kerana menyatakan kepada orang Melayu supaya menyedari yang mereka bukan “Tuan” apabila mereka terpaksa mencuci kasut orang lain. Jika mereka ingin menjadi “Tuan”, mereka mesti menimba ilmu dan kecekapan untuk berjaya didalam kehidupan. Dan apabila mereka berjaya martabat mereka akan meningkat samada mereka dipanggil “Tuan” ataupun tidak.

Nampak jelas menurut Param Cumaswamy , bercakap mengenai orang Melayu adalah satu hasutan yang berbau perkauman.

Jadi siapa yang bersifat perkauman; Param Cumaraswamy atau Dr Mahathir?

Saya tidak akan meminta supaya dia ditahan.

Sebagai seorang peguam yang memahami undang-undang, dia perlu menilai dirinya samada dia seorang yang bersifat perkauman dan perlu ditahan atau tidak.

From his post,I can clearly see he has double standard of evaluating racism.
He always urged Malays to be fear of non-Malays taking over them,well,I think this is not true.

So what your view then?
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Number of posts : 144
Age : 33
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Registration date : 2008-06-03

Discussion about Tun Dr Mahathir blog's content Empty
PostSubject: Re: Discussion about Tun Dr Mahathir blog's content   Discussion about Tun Dr Mahathir blog's content EmptyWed Jun 04, 2008 9:48 am

I support the view of DR.M
but his view sure have a impact over the leader of our country now....
we cant speak so openly even when online dealing with this kind of issue...
racism is a issue since the start of may change now since pakatan rakyat is taking over now.....gona throw my 1st vote to them....
Let pkr try to do their part....we will see what can they do.... cyclops

COME on...let them take over other race by a fair fight...NO politic tactic please,,,
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Number of posts : 87
Registration date : 2008-05-30

Discussion about Tun Dr Mahathir blog's content Empty
PostSubject: Re: Discussion about Tun Dr Mahathir blog's content   Discussion about Tun Dr Mahathir blog's content EmptyThu Jun 05, 2008 6:51 pm

SeptavioS wrote:
I support the view of DR.M
but his view sure have a impact over the leader of our country now....
we cant speak so openly even when online dealing with this kind of issue...
racism is a issue since the start of may change now since pakatan rakyat is taking over now.....gona throw my 1st vote to them....
Let pkr try to do their part....we will see what can they do.... cyclops

COME on...let them take over other race by a fair fight...NO politic tactic please,,,

OMG,you support the stands of TDM,is there something wrong with you?

He is trying to instill non-Malays-phobias among Malays community.

We,Malaysian are from multi-racial background,we don't need him to slit us by races.

I think he should retired graciously and stop sabotaging his successor works!
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Number of posts : 13
Registration date : 2008-06-06

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PostSubject: Re: Discussion about Tun Dr Mahathir blog's content   Discussion about Tun Dr Mahathir blog's content EmptyFri Jun 06, 2008 8:51 am

hate mathathir 4eva
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General Moderator
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PostSubject: Re: Discussion about Tun Dr Mahathir blog's content   Discussion about Tun Dr Mahathir blog's content EmptySat Jun 07, 2008 7:15 pm

there are some truths in Dr M's words but sometimes I think he shd just leave the country to her present leaders. he can definitely voice out his concerns but at least do it through proper channels so that the people will not get confuse and cause misunderstandings.
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Number of posts : 144
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PostSubject: Re: Discussion about Tun Dr Mahathir blog's content   Discussion about Tun Dr Mahathir blog's content EmptyMon Jun 09, 2008 2:20 pm

Malaysian will not call themself malaysian until (the today generation's are all dead)
We still call ourself "chinese","indians" and so on so on.....
The old bumi's want their right so much?how about today?
There are increasing number of cendekiawan wanted to have a fair competition with our races too...
They no longger hold on to their "special right" as it used to be....
with this "special rights" issue still going on.......
we dont unite together because there are few disddvantage to the other etnics....

Rolling Eyes
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Number of posts : 144
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PostSubject: Re: Discussion about Tun Dr Mahathir blog's content   Discussion about Tun Dr Mahathir blog's content EmptyMon Jun 09, 2008 2:34 pm

we must realise my race had come from oversea's and live in other country...
we malaysia should consider ourself lucky as we are accepted here...
See other country?which country has so many type of nasional school......
all of the other country being standard to only one type of nasional school...
and All of them no longger practice their own mother toungue......if they want?take outside course....
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Number of posts : 87
Registration date : 2008-05-30

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PostSubject: Re: Discussion about Tun Dr Mahathir blog's content   Discussion about Tun Dr Mahathir blog's content EmptyThu Jun 12, 2008 8:33 pm

SeptavioS wrote:
we must realise my race had come from oversea's and live in other country...
we malaysia should consider ourself lucky as we are accepted here...
See other country?which country has so many type of nasional school......
all of the other country being standard to only one type of nasional school...
and All of them no longger practice their own mother toungue......if they want?take outside course....

There is the worse case.Why can't we look towards singapore?They are so truly asia.

I understand why last time Malaysia cannot accept that Chinese and Indian were having the same right as them because at that time,non-Malays are immigrants.

Just like asking us to accept Phillipines,Indonesian to be Malaysian and enjoy the same rights as us.

But one thing to note,its many of the non-Malays are already 3th of 4th generations here.They perhaps had already forgotten country of the origin of their ancestors.The country of they have in mind is Malaysia and not China or India or whatever you name it lah.
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Number of posts : 144
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Registration date : 2008-06-03

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PostSubject: Re: Discussion about Tun Dr Mahathir blog's content   Discussion about Tun Dr Mahathir blog's content EmptyMon Jun 16, 2008 12:54 pm

But singaporw really is truly asia?
the chinese care themself more than other races...
since this is serious topic..
are u sure singapore really take in any foreigner without koeing the benefit and harms?
all the high autorities and army official minister never other races....
chinese for4ver kiasu..and that is the turth things
me also the same things..kiasu spirit made our race more advance than others in some term..
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Number of posts : 87
Registration date : 2008-05-30

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PostSubject: Re: Discussion about Tun Dr Mahathir blog's content   Discussion about Tun Dr Mahathir blog's content EmptySat Jun 21, 2008 9:08 pm

SeptavioS wrote:
But singaporw really is truly asia?
the chinese care themself more than other races...
since this is serious topic..
are u sure singapore really take in any foreigner without koeing the benefit and harms?
all the high autorities and army official minister never other races....
chinese for4ver kiasu..and that is the turth things
me also the same things..kiasu spirit made our race more advance than others in some term..

That's your view,kay?
Please don't take singapore the same as Malaysia.

Chinese,kiasu?LOL!How about jewish then?
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Number of posts : 144
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PostSubject: Re: Discussion about Tun Dr Mahathir blog's content   Discussion about Tun Dr Mahathir blog's content EmptyMon Jun 23, 2008 1:27 pm

malaysia is not singapore...yayaya...tat one ikoe...
but do u know?that now singapore have 40% malaysian?
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Number of posts : 87
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Discussion about Tun Dr Mahathir blog's content Empty
PostSubject: Re: Discussion about Tun Dr Mahathir blog's content   Discussion about Tun Dr Mahathir blog's content EmptySun Jul 06, 2008 1:33 am

SeptavioS wrote:
malaysia is not singapore...yayaya...tat one ikoe...
but do u know?that now singapore have 40% malaysian?

Cause you know why?Thanks to our policy lah.
We love to contribute/export our genius to other country and develop those countries,that show how our people boleh!
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Half Newbie
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Discussion about Tun Dr Mahathir blog's content Empty
PostSubject: Re: Discussion about Tun Dr Mahathir blog's content   Discussion about Tun Dr Mahathir blog's content EmptyWed Aug 20, 2008 9:27 am

That is a expression of distrust of our government,not a show off movement!
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